Geoquest in Hong Kong – Expertise and experience in reinforced backfill applications and soil-structure interaction.

Hong Kong

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So far y8Zd8OTYSc has created 63 blog entries.

Coastal Embankment Protection at Maheshkhali

2024-07-02T11:08:13+00:00March 3rd, 2020|Project, TA|

Background  The project is at an upcoming Industrial zone in Bangladesh very close to Cox’s Bazar coastline. The owner is developing the land by reclamation with dredged sand from the sea and also raising an embankment above the surge level (8.5m) throughout the boundary. [...]

Reinforced Earth® Headwalls for Wildlife Crossing

2021-04-29T14:31:35+00:00March 2nd, 2020|News, Project, TA|

A new wildlife crossing bridge and six-lane roadway opened last week in Edmonton, Canada. Connecting the city’s ring road, the Anthony Henday Drive, with the northeast energy and industrial area, the Aurum Energy Park-Aurum Road Wildlife/Creek Crossing will reduce the daily commute for about 10,000 workers by about [...]

Reinforced Earth® walls for Jorf Lasfar Power Station

2021-04-29T14:31:46+00:00January 20th, 2020|PROJECTS|

In Morocco, the Jorf Lasfar thermal power station features high-performing installations. Guaranteeing an availability rate of over 90%, it is one of the best performing power stations in the world. The facility enjoys a strategic geographic location thanks to its proximity to the Jorf Lasfar Port. An estimated [...]

Uganda: Extension of the Kampala Northern Bypass

2020-01-24T13:12:39+00:00January 9th, 2020|Project|

In Kampala, at the Northern edge of Lake Victoria, Geoquest South Africa (RESA) supplied Geoquest® walls for the extension of the Northern Bypass. Designed in a semicircle and built between 2004 and 2009 across the northern suburbs of the city, the bypass aims to relieve traffic congestion in the city centre.  In May 2014, the expansion of [...]

Transmission Gully Project

2021-02-05T11:10:09+00:00December 12th, 2019|Project|

TechSpan arches and Geoquest walls for New Zealand road project When completed, in May 2020, the Transmission Gully Project (TGP) will provide a new, 27 km long, four-lane motorway north of Wellington, New Zealand. This modern and safe main highway will bypass the coastal communities and space-limited choke [...]

Canada: Regina Bypass to open to traffic

2020-01-10T18:35:03+00:00December 11th, 2019|Project|

23000 m2 of Geoquest walls for largest transportation infrastructure project in Saskatchewan’s history The highway bypass of the City of Regina, capital of the Province of Saskatchewan in Canada, will open to traffic on October 29, 2019. The Regina Bypass is the largest transportation infrastructure project in the [...]

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