Discover our online catalogue and shape calculator for your TechSpan® solutions
A platform dedicated to TechSpan® concrete arches: Visit to download our catalogue and create your customized TechSpan® project
2020-01-09T15:57:14+00:00November 10th, 2019|Group News|
A platform dedicated to TechSpan® concrete arches: Visit to download our catalogue and create your customized TechSpan® project
2020-01-10T18:43:30+00:00September 19th, 2018|Group News, Project|
In Philippines, Freyssinet and Geoquest joined forces to the construction of the Mactan-Cebu Airport Terminal 2 Located 800 km south of the capital of the Philippines, in the city of Cebu, a growing tourist destination, Terminal 2 was achieved and inaugurated in July 2018. Launched in 2015, the [...]
2020-01-14T11:34:33+00:00July 4th, 2017|Group News, Project|
Geoquest France takes part to the Diori and Katako interchange projects in Niger. In Niamey, capital of Niger, located on the Niger River in the far west of the country, as part of the Diori and Katako interchange projects, Geoquest France provides the design, supply [...]
Geoquest has forged an unrivalled level of expertise and experience in reinforced backfill applications and soil-structure interaction. Our technical solutions are defined by four functions corresponding to the purpose of the structure to be designed: RETAIN, CROSS, PROTECT, STRENGTHEN.
Over the last 60 years, Geoquest has been setting the gold standard in reinforced earth structures
and has played an active role in over 100,000 projects around the world.
Soletanche Freyssinet is the world leader in soil, structures and nuclear engineering. The Group brings together unrivalled expertise in construction and engineering. Soletanche Bachy, Menard, Geoquest, Freyssinet, Nuvia and Sixense put their technical excellence at the service of their customers and the performance of their structures.
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