Geoquest in Hong Kong – Expertise and experience in reinforced backfill applications and soil-structure interaction.

Hong Kong


Bamboo Railings as edge protection solution

2024-07-03T13:34:58+00:00July 2nd, 2024|News, Project|

The conventional steel edge protection barriers are deemed highly susceptible to theft. It often results in entire sections of walls being left unguarded overnight at construction sites. To address this issue, alternative materials were considered, shifting away from conventional options to utilize less attractive materials typically found in junkyards. [...]

GeoStrap® reinforcements, now certified by RTS for an Environmental Product Declaration (EPD)

2021-12-17T06:45:25+00:00November 23rd, 2021|News|

In October 2021, the Building Information Foundation RTS approved the Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) of our GeoStrap® reinforcement, manufactured by our subsidiary Geoquest India. This document gathers information on the environmental impact of a product according to international standards. The certification covers the whole life cycle analysis for the product [...]

Reinforced Earth® Headwalls for Wildlife Crossing

2021-04-29T14:31:35+00:00March 2nd, 2020|News, Project, TA|

A new wildlife crossing bridge and six-lane roadway opened last week in Edmonton, Canada. Connecting the city’s ring road, the Anthony Henday Drive, with the northeast energy and industrial area, the Aurum Energy Park-Aurum Road Wildlife/Creek Crossing will reduce the daily commute for about 10,000 workers by about [...]

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