Coastal road project from NH- 4B near Navghar to Sector- 63 at Dronagiri, Navi Mumbai with TechSpan® for Bridge Structures – 3, 3A & 4.
Project Details
340 m
City and Industrial
Development Corp.
J. Kumar Infra
Projects Ltd.
Geoquest (Geoquest India Pvt. Ltd.)

City and Industrial Development Corp. (CIDCO) of Maharashtra (CIDCO) is building a 34 m wide road from Nh-4B near Navghar to Bokadvira adjoining NMSEZ at Dronagiri, Navi Mumbai. CIDCO develops all the new suburbs around Mumbai and is an undertaking of Govt.of Maharashtra. The project has been contracted to J. Kumar Infra Projects Ltd.Mumbai.
The road is of prime importance since it forms a parallel link from NH-4B to JNPT in its final stretch and would cater to heavy traffic projected in the coming years.
In the stretch of 4.8 km there are three holding ponds along the proposed coastal road alignment where CIDCO needed to provide bridge so that the water movement to holding ponds during tidal variation is not affected. CIDCO was also looking for cost effective and aesthetically good structures for these bridges.
The foundation at these three locations has brown marine clay with high plasticity. The thickness of the strata ranges from
4.0 m to 14.0 m.
REIPL came up with the solution of TechSpan® structures for the ponds no 3A, 3 & 4:
• For Bridge no 1 (Holding pond no 3A) & Bridge no 2 (Holding pond no 3): REIPL proposed two pin TechSpan® structure with 3 arch spans with Geoquest Head walls.
• For Bridge no 3 (Holding pond no 4): REIPL proposed two pin TechSpan® structure with 4 arch spans with Geoquest
Head walls.
Based on the hydraulic cross section requirements and proposed coastal road formation levels, the Span of the 2 Pin TechSpan® arch structure is 9m and Rise is 4.5m.
In view of the marine clay and tidal effects the TechSpan® structures are being built on pile foundations.
Total length of each TechSpan® structure is 340 m and the carriageway width is 32.5m. The spandrel walls and wing walls are formed from reinforced soil retaining walls using EcoStrap®.