Geoquest offers both passive and active solutions to address slope stabilization and to mitigate damage due to slope failures.
We provide planners and builders with designs and materials to implement, repair, protect or rehabilitate natural soil slopes and built slopes that are vulnerable to natural risks. Earthen slopes are often exposed to naturally aggressive environments and circumstances, such as underlying soil instability, heavy rainfall, snow accumulation or seismic activity that can compromise the stability of the earth mass. When left unchecked and not properly corrected, landslides and slope failures can be disastrous and cause severe damage.
Our engineered measures for corrective, precautionary and emergency stabilization address existing soil conditions as well as unforeseen natural occurrences and risks. We answer by developing infrastructure solutions for areas susceptible to typical slope failures as well as natural hazards, including rockfall, avalanche, landslides and debris flow. Our technical teams will propose both active and passive solutions.
Geoquest solutions are designed to stabilize both existing and proposed conditions to support structures and the surrounding terrain. These solutions control and limit the damage caused by unpredictable natural hazards.
In many cases, a combination of both active and passive protective solutions are recommended for high-risk locations. For example, we propose hybrid solutions comprising anchored mesh drapery, mesh fencing in combination with passive MSE catchment bund barriers.
Active solutions:
- Soil nails and ground anchors
- Anchored steel wire mesh netting and drapery
Related solutions
Reinforced Earth®
Reinforced Earth®
Our flagship technique, Reinforced Earth®, is based on the principle of the friction between soil and reinforcements creating a permanent and predictable bond. At the origin of all mechanically stabilized earth (MSE) walls on the market today, we are continuously perfecting this ingenious technique.
TerraAnchor™ is used for soil reinforcement applications. It is used for permanent and temporary stabilization of existing slopes and structures by using high tensile galvanized steel rods as soil reinforcement for permanent applications, or galvanized steel strands for temporary applications. Geoquest provides a range of anchor load capacity selections that reach up 15-tons, and driven to variable depths.
Geoquest and subsidiary companies offer TerraNail™, for installing passive soil and rock anchoring and stabilization systems. This solution is widely specified by geotechincal engineers for builders and earthworkers to install adequate measures to ensure stability and take control of embankment soil and rock displacement, foundation instability, mass erosion, and retention facing displacements.