TerraFlow™ drainage geocomposites provide superior vertical and horizontal waterflow drainage control as opposed to aggregate chimney drains.

This material consists of either bi-planar or tri-planar high-density polyethylene (HDPE) geonet having non-woven polypropylene (PP) geotextile heat bonded on both sides.

As a seepage interceptor, the material functions ideally under high loading conditions for directional channeling of drainage behind MSE retaining walls and sub-surface drainage for steep slopes and embankments. This solution is also used to control water seepage between a rock surface and tunnel linings.

Industrial and environmental applications for TerraFlow™ include landfill cell and capping, liner cushioning protection, and for protecting geomembranes with effective drainage of mitigating gas and liquids for leachate ponds, brine ponds and wastewater ponds.

For the delivery of these products in your territory, you can contact our nearest representative.


Reduced environmental impact

Reduced environmental impact

TerraFlow™ allows for the reduction of the environmental impact since it avoids using naturally-occuring minerals.

Reduced costs

Reduced costs

Our TerraFlow™ geocomposites allow for lower haulage, material and installation costs.

Easy and rapid installation

Easy and rapid installation

TerraFlow™ is made of lightweight materials, making it easy to handle and install, especially when placed against vertical structures such as walls and bridge abutments.

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