The year 2018 was marked by a record order book and the signing of biggest project in Geoquest Group history — the Transforming I-66 Outside the Beltway Project in the United States.
Read our Activity Report to discover our projects and achievements, and learn more about our future plans in the interview with our CEO, Vincent Oudin.
NO231 – 2nd Semester 2018
TechRevetment, a solution for protecting embankments against erosion Around the world: our subsidiaries’ projects The major project: Stampede Dam – USA Hill slope stabilization and road reconstruction in Tindharia – India
NO230 – 1st Semester 2017
Reinforced embankements faced with rock or vegetation to blend with the landscape Around the world: our subsidiaries’ projects The major project: Herb Gray Parkway – Canada Protecting a road from rockfall
NO229 – 2nd Semester 2015
TerraLink™: Road widening in an confined urban environment Around the world: projects of our subsidiaries Geoquest, a major player in the upcoming Rio Olympics 1989, the launch of TechSpan® arches
NO228 – 2nd Semester 2014
Reinforced Earth® structures for high-speed rail lines Around the world: projects of our subsidiaries The Expressway of Salvador de Bahia 1963 : Patenting of Reinforced Earth®
NO227 – Oct. 2008
Nuclear, Freyssinet’s third business 240t of prestressing for an unprecedented project in Switzerland Freyssinet Ltd Flat jacks
NO226 – Sept. 2007
Sliding and moving structures, a record project in Boissy Saint Léger 2,700,000m² of soil consolidation in eight months Geoquest Ireland & Freyssinet Ireland The Menard Vacuum process
NO225 – Jan. 2007
Geoquest : expertise in industrial applications Ballina, a first in Australia for the Menard Vacuum method Nukem Limited Shotcrete
NO224 – Sept. 2006
Handling: a heavyweight solution for lifting Penang bridge,stay cable replacement without interrupting service Spain: firm foundations for over 30 years TechSpan arches
NO223 – Jan. 2006
Menard Soltraitement, des solutions performantes pour les bâtiments industriels La construction de ponts en béton précontraint aux États-Unis Pont sur l’Orénoque au Vénézuela, un second pont sur un fleuve géant Les joints de chaussée
NO222 – Sept. 2005
Prestressed concrete floors, a far-reaching technique LNG: cryogenic prestressing derived from the nuclear industry Kanne Bridge (Belgium): a first for Cohestrand 1930-2005: the rise of lifting
NO221 – Janv. 2005
Geoquest – The saga of a very constructive idea Three acquisitions to reinforce the group’s offer Pont AB Ravenel Jr: two firsts in the new world 30 years of dynamic compaction
NO220 – Sept. 2004
Stay Cable – The System in Top Form The Soumont Wall, a well-integrated giant Julio Martinez Calzon & Miguel Gomez Navarro: the versatility of stay cables The Freyssinet Stay cable on tour in Asia
NO219 – Janv. 2004
Repair – A business with high technical added value First segments lifted at Sungai Prai Alain Martinez-Fortun: the added value of prevention-safety 309 jet-grouting columns on a mountain side Freyssibar, a new prestressing bar
NO218 – Sept. 2003
In the name of innovation Millau, stay cables for positionning Dave Retzsch: Geoquest from retention to architecture 1080 tons of tendons above the vines A certificate for shotcrete gun operators
NO217 – May 2003
Terminal sucrier QSL : l’efficacité d’une solution intégrée 9500 CMC pour le périphérique de Newport (Angleterre) Michael N Fardis : Protéger les ouvrages contre les séismes Cape Girardeau, nouveau franchissement du Mississippi La selle multitube de haubans primée par Egis
No4 – 12/2012
Synergies – Project engineering: another Soletanche Freyssinet skill Soletanche Bachy – Four diaphragm wall shafts of monumental dimensions Freyssinet – A bridge of sunbeams Geoquest – A safer, more attractive dike in the Hague Menard – A key project for developing soil improvement in Gdansk Nuvia – Radiation protection, the added value of Essor’s logistics services Know-how – Ports
No3 – 10/2011
Group – Mobilising for greater safety Soletanche Bachy – Port of Cotonou: two new berths to boost Benin’s economy Freyssinet – A 20,000 t cable-stayed roof for the BC Place Stadium in Vancouver Geoquest – 100,000 m² retaining walls along a 330 km railway in Malaysia Menard – Mars in action on two motorway projects in Germany Nuvia – Seismic protection for the Jules Horowitz reactor Cadarache Engineering structures – Cable-stayed bridges
No2 – 12/2010
Group – Menard Bachy: ground technology activities resonate in Australia Soletanche Bachy – Foundation works for the museum of the Arts of Islam Freyssinet – Combined expertise for the Térénez bridge Geoquest – Environmental integration of the A89 motorway Menard – New record for ground consolidation in the Middle-East Nuvia – RJH: a first in unbonded post-tensioning Expertise – Systems & processes for stadiums
No1 – 11/2009
Group – The range of expertise of a new world leader Soletanche Bachy – Completion in sight for the 2nd phase of Port 2000 Freyssinet – 16469 segments for 62 km of urban viaduct in Dubai Geoquest – Historic contract in South Africa Menard – Record-breaking dynamic compaction project in the UAE Nuvia – Decommissioning of a nuclear facility Know-how – Winning foundation raft-prestressed floor combination in Mexico City